Join Us for the Largest Free Online Conference of the Summer for Back-To-School & New World Language Teachers!

Learn from the best in the field! Join us as we bring together 23 exceptional educators and language teachers who will unveil their most effective back-to-school strategies.


July 22nd - 26th

(A $189 value. Available free only for a limited time.)

"This was by far the best summit/conference I have attended."

-Olatoya F.


Join Us for the Largest Free Online Conference of the Summer for Back-To-School & New World Language Teachers!

FREE & ONLINE | July 22nd - 26th

Learn from the best in the field! Join us as we bring together 23 exceptional educators and language teachers who will unveil their most effective back-to-school strategies.

(A $189 value. Available free only for a limited time.)

"This was by far the best summit/conference I have attended."  -Olatoya F.










Be Inspired by these exceptional educators sharing their tried-and-true strategies for a successful back-to-school transition

Diego Ojeda


Why AI Will Never Displace Language Learning

Allison Wienhold - WLTS24BTS

Allison Wienhold

Successful Starters for World Language Classes: Bell Ringers & Beyond

Kia London

First Things First! Get Organized

Lisa McHargue

Lisa McHargue

Set Yourself up To Be Digitally Organized This Year

Heather Luis

Heather Luis

World Language Classroom Starter Package and Teacher Tool Kit

Elizabeth Porter

Elizabeth Porter

Teaching With the 5 Senses

Timothy Chávez

Timothy Chávez

Authentic Questioning and Dialogic Instruction

Connie Navarro

TPR for Deeper Engagement and Longer Retention

María Gloria Borsa

Socratic Seminars and AI in the Spanish Literature Class

Courtney Jackson - WLTS24BTS

Courtney Jackson

Passwords and Engagement in the Classroom

Yulyan Anderson

Yulyan Anderson

Enhancing World Language Teaching With AI: The Many Uses of ChatGPT

Alasdair Harris

Alasdair Harris

AI and Workload Optimization

Carmen Reyes

Carmen Reyes

Optimizing Spanish Language Acquisition With Musical Content in Elementary School

Nevien Fahmy

Nevien Fahmy

What Is Languagenut? Using Technology in World Languages Class

Ashley Mikkelsen

Ashley Mikkelsen

Using CI Strategies When Tied to a Textbook

Kathryn Kosmider

Kathryn Kosmider

Differentiation 101 for Language Class

Andrea Olatunji

Andrea Olatunji

The Role of Feedback in the Language Classroom

Silvana Ibañez

Silvana Ibañez

When Students Buy What You’re Selling

Diego Ojeda

Diego Ojeda

How To Make Your Students Speak in the Target Language

Shannon Ruiz

Shannon Ruiz

Building Community in the First Days of School

Pamela Parks

Pamela Parks

Plethora of Pedagogical Ploys

Carmen Scoggins

Carmen Scoggins

BeReal: Techniques for Enhancing Language Learning

Noemí Rodríguez

Noemí Rodríguez

Lead With Culture Through CI

Jared Romey

Your Roadmap to a Smoother School Year: The 5 Key Areas



WLTS24BTS Playbook ebook

2024 Back-To-School 


Loaded with tons of teaching tips and expert insights! Dive into the Summit experience armed with this ultimate guide, featuring the complete daily presentation schedule, session planner, and social media tracker to stay connected with presenters.

(Value $48)

Virtual Goodie Bag

Full of resources for you to maximize your summer Professional Development experience. 

It is filled up with slides, downloads, and materials shared by the speakers to complement their presentations.

(Value: $148)

(A $189 value. Available free only for a limited time.)

This is a great and innovative camp for teachers who want to learn new strategies and for new teachers who want to make their classes more creative.

- D. Stanley

It was awesome! Not only did I learn new skills, I also got renewed energy from all the different ideas shared by the speakers.

- V. Ligot

I feel empowered and refreshed! I am optimistic about the next few months since I am happy about what else I can teach my students.

- B. Biscupovich

Ignite your creativity and excitement for a successful year ahead!

Here’s what your teaching colleagues say about the World Language Teacher Summit:

"I felt encouraged in growth and new strategies"

It was really helpful and I enjoyed the format a lot. Even with 15 years of experience, I felt encouraged in growth and new strategies. I wish that all of my colleagues would have taken advantage of this opportunity.

ERIN // Spanish 1, 3 pre aP & 5

"I was able to instantly use what I learned into my lessons the next day"

I enjoyed all the presentations during that week. The best part is that I was able to instantly use what I learned into my lessons the next day. Thank you.

VICENTE // Middle School Teacher

"There were so many topics that were relevant to what I do"

I absolutely LOVED this summit!!! I would get up early and stay up late binge-watching presentations. There were so many topics that were relevant to what I do, which is not always the case as an elementary teacher. I loved how I could pick and choose topics.

alison // K-5 Teacher

Discover Strategies To Revitalize Your Teaching & Create Meaningful Connections With Your Students From the Day They Step Into the Classroom During This Transformative 5-Day Event

Kickstarting the School Year

Day 1 promises an exhilarating start! Kickstart your school year with invaluable tips to streamline organization and leverage digital tools. Discover dynamic bell ringers that captivate students from day one. Unlock the secrets to a smoother, more successful year in the world language classroom - all capped off by an insightful keynote on why AI can never replace the magic of language learning.

Innovative Teaching Strategies

Day 2 invites you to embark on a multi-sensory journey through language teaching. Unlock the power of authentic questioning and dialogic instruction, while exploring the depths of TPR for enhanced engagement and retention. Immerse yourself in the world of Socratic seminars and unravel the intriguing interplay between AI and Spanish literature classes. Prepare to be inspired and captivated by this day's sessions!

Integrating Technology in Language Teaching

Day 3 promises to be a transformative experience, unlocking the power of passwords and engagement in the classroom. Explore the cutting-edge world of AI and ChatGPT, and discover how they can revolutionize your world language teaching. Uncover strategies to optimize your workload with AI, and get into the enchanting realm of music to boost language acquisition in elementary school. Top it off with an insightful session revealing how technology can revolutionize your world languages class!

Engaging and Differentiated Instruction

Day 4 promises to be a game-changer for language teachers! Uncover the secrets of seamlessly integrating CI strategies with textbook materials, ensuring a dynamic learning experience. Dive into the fundamentals of differentiation, tailoring your language class to meet the diverse needs of your students. Explore the pivotal role of feedback in the language classroom, unlocking its transformative power. Finally, discover the art of captivating your students, creating an environment where they eagerly embrace the knowledge you offer. 

Active Learning and Student Engagement

Day 5 closing sessions are full of practical strategies for student engagement. Discover the keys to unlocking your students' potential and encouraging them to speak in the target language with confidence. Explore ways to build a strong classroom community from the very first days of school, fostering an environment conducive to language learning. Learn the teaching techniques that will keep your students engaged and motivated. And finally, lead with culture through CI, ensuring your students embrace the richness of the language they're mastering.

(A $189 value. Available free only for a limited time.)

The activities and strategies that I can start using TODAY! So many templates, lesson ideas, or strategies that I can use immediately to improve my teaching. Many ideas are similar to things I already do, but added a small piece to make them more meaningful or effective.

- M. Engelbert

Absolutely nothing to lose! Everything to gain. It’s free! And the wisdom and ideas from other educators is PRICELESS!
I love the variety of information presented! I teach in a non-traditional setting, yet still have at least one session daily that I can apply to my situation. I am so grateful!

- D. Davis 

Definitely sign up! The format was great!! I ended up watching many more videos than I planned on because the format was so flexible.
The conference was well worth my time and valuable. The ability to create my own schedule to watch was key for me.

- M. Yena 

get your free ticket to 24 masterclass sessions for The 2024 World Language Teacher Summit for Back-to-School

Gain valuable insights from 23 outstanding educators and language teachers on how to navigate the back-to-school period with confidence and success. 

Reserve your virtual seat for the largest free professional development opportunity for language teachers this summer.

Plus, your free Playbook and Virtual Goodie Bag as gifts!

100% worth it! Excellent and inspiring conference with many varied topics.

- A. Calle

Wonderful speakers and ideas to take into class next day

- K. Freese

All the tips and strategies were so useful!!! My kids have loved each one of them.

- Virginia


Once-In-A Lifetime Curated Speakers Actionable Content

For the sixth year running, we've hand-picked an amazing group of professionals to present language teaching strategies that you can start using right away. From effective lesson planning and utilizing technology in language learning, to creating a positive classroom culture, these insightful presentations will have you reflecting on your own teaching style, where you can adjust and what to continue doing!

Connect and Create Meaningful Exchanges

Our speakers love connecting with attendees. With this unique online conference, there's no need for you, your colleagues, or the speakers to rush to the next presentation. Instead, meaningful exchanges and follow-ups are part of the experience. Converse, ask questions and connect before, during and even for months after the presentations. As one recent attendee said, "I believe this event is an amazing opportunity to... connect with experts from all over the world!"

Essential Beginning-of-the-Year Resources

Gain valuable insights and practical strategies to kickstart your school year successfully. From engaging first-week lesson plans and cultivating student buy-in to utilizing innovative tools and creating a culturally inclusive classroom, these sessions offer a wealth of knowledge to enhance teaching practices and establish a positive learning environment from day one.

Apply These Masterclasses in Your Own Classroom Whether You’re a New or Experienced Teacher

Our speakers share their best, most innovative teaching ideas you can implement no matter what level you are at. The techniques you learn here are being used every day in-class by these speaker-teachers and educators.

World-class Professional Development from the Ease of Your Home

Sit back and enjoy 15 hours of teaching strategies and techniques from the comfort of your own home. There's no need for you to spend time traveling, pay for airfare, meals, or hotels. It's a fantastic opportunity if you've never had professional development before!

(A $189 value. Available free only for a limited time.)

The level of organization and the high quality of materials make the WLTS unique. I find this summit to enrich and engage language leaders at all levels.

- L. Warren

It was amazing! Super helpful and just so much to take in.
So many different teachers and educators coming together all in one place.

- O. Rodriguez

Wonderful! Packed full with the best strategies from around the country to engage students in being life long learners of language and culture.

- L. Hall



Creator Of The World Language Teacher Summit,, Lifelong Language Learner and Author of 12 Books on Spanish Dialects

Hi, I'm Jared! I’m the creator of, where my wife Diana and I help Spanish teachers create more time in their lives to spend with their families and still be amazing teachers.

For a long time, I heard from person after person that they had been teaching for years (sometimes 15+ years) and never had access to free language teaching professional development. So, I decided to do something about that and created the World Language Teacher Summit.

Learning languages absolutely changed my life and I want to help you share that same opportunity with your students.

Please join me and thousands of teachers for this World Language Teacher Summit!

Get Your Free Ticket To 24 Masterclass Sessions For The 2024 World Language Teacher Summit For Back-To-School

Gain valuable insights from 23 outstanding educators and language teachers on how to navigate the back-to-school period with confidence and success. 

Reserve your virtual seat for the largest free professional development opportunity for language teachers this summer.

Plus, your free Playbook and Virtual Goodie Bag as gifts!

What makes the WL Teacher Summit unique is that it is ideas, tips, tricks, methods, support, etc. developed BY teachers FOR teachers. Teachers teaching teachers, the way Professional Development should be!

- C. Cook

It was the most valuable event in my teaching career.
Just thanks for everything. It was great experience. I have learned a great amount of helpful tips and methodological advance.

- A. Galeeva

It was very practical, easy to implement, relevant and a variety of exceptional presenters. Loved the resources shared and for me personally, to be able to watch asynchronous this training was a game changer, since I am currently living in Vietnam. 

- M. Sandifer

(A $189 value. Available free only for a limited time.)

© 2024 World Language Teacher Summit All rights reserved. Curated by Speaking Latino and Language Babel.
