how we support diversity

Diana and I are proud of the time and effort we put into bringing together an amazingly diverse group of presenters during our conferences.
We are committed to creating a diverse group for each of our conferences.
As we begin organizing each conference and reach out to potential conference participants we look to achieve diversity across our panel of presenters including diversity in the languages they teach (when appropriate), the levels they teach (when appropriate), the length of their experience, the methodology/ies they advocate, nationality, geographic base and experiences, as well as cultural, racial and ethnic diversity. We also consider education and professional experiences as well.
Our primary goal with our conferences is to help you become a better teacher and one of the best ways to achieve that is to offer you a diverse group of people to learn from.
If you have any questions about the diversity of our conferences, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact us at:
Language Babel, Inc.
1357 Ashford Ave PMB 384 San Juan, PR 00907
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