The 2020 World Language Teacher Summit All-Access Pass gives you permanent access to all 32 sessions, 2 bonus sessions, and 5 online teaching mini-sessions. Plus $712 in exclusive bonuses and your PD Certificate.

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You may have heard that 90% is a magic number for the amount of target language use in the classroom. How did we arrive at that number and how do we maintain it? Tune in on Day 1 for helpful strategies to scaffold language for students and keep your language comprehensible so the easy thing to do is speak the target language.

Strategies for Increasing Target Language Use

by Sheri Plath

The presentation discusses strategies to increase the use of the TL of both students and teachers in the WL classroom. The speaker shares examples of tasks that can be used in the classroom that focuses on Level 1 students and she suggests ways on how to modify them for virtual classes. She provides examples of tasks for each language skill as well as tips on how to conduct these activities online or in class.

How does the AIM (Accelerated Integrated Methodology) Rapidly Develop Proficiency

by Wendy Maxwell

Wendy’s presentation explains what AIM is and how it works in teaching different languages worldwide. She gives details on how proficiency development works in successfully teaching learners a specific language by showing examples of activities that happen in an AIM classroom. She elaborates on how these activities are necessary in order for the students to acquire target language proficiency.

Creativity in the World Language Classroom

by Diego Ojeda

Diego’s presentation shows how being creative helps in language acquisition. He motivates teachers to be creative and suggests a number of practical ways to promote creativity in the classroom. The presentation elaborates on what disruptive education is and describes how it is related to creativity.

Boom Cards: The Hottest New Trend in Language Learning

by Sherry Sebesta 

Sherry shows the process of using Boom Cards in a world language classroom. Throughout the presentation, she demonstrates the different possibilities of using digital flashcards creatively by maximizing the features of the digital application.

Facilitating L2 Output with Socratic Seminars

by Christina Margiore 

In her presentation Christina explains what a Socratic Seminar is and how this can help teachers in facilitating second language output. She shares key classroom management strategies to successfully conduct a Socratic Seminar in a WL classroom.

Managing your Management in the Target Language

by Nathan Bynum

Nathan shares how to create and implement a successful classroom management plan in the target language based on his personal experiences. The presentation is for teachers who spend valuable classroom time dealing with behavioral issues. It demonstrates how teachers model the classroom environment they want to create through effective classroom rules.

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In an increasingly globalized world, we are not only preparing our students for the 21st century and the workforce, but also as members of the earth. Join your colleagues online on Day 2 to plan how to invest your students in their communities (their team, your class, their local and international neighborhoods) through intercultural reflection and culturally responsive practices.

Global Citizenship Education and Culturally Responsive Teaching

by Elizabeth Porter 

Elizabeth elaborates on the responsibilities of a world language teacher in designing culturally responsive and global citizenship education. The presentation differentiates the static definition of culture to a more fluid idea about what and how culture shapes an individual. It also covers the difference between individualist and collectivist culture and how these differences affect a teacher’s own implicit biases in teaching and how all these affect students’ learning.

Cultivating Curiosity in the World Language Classroom

by Christina Rocha

Christina’s presentation explores inquiry-based learning and how this type of learning is effective to cultivate curiosity in the WL classroom. She discusses QFT (Question Formulation Technique) in depth, including how it is related to achieving the C’s of the 21st Century Skills. She shares examples of how to implement QFT and suggests some possible variations.

Relating to your Students of Every Race, Ethnicity, and Color

by Jennifer Whyte 

Jenniffer shares about ways to relate to students which teachers could incorporate in their classrooms. The presentation covers how students are similar and different and explains a detailed study on racial-ethnic identity among students.

World Language Strategies Through Intercultural Lenses

by Tracy Rucker 

Tracy’s presentation motivates teachers to incorporate videos, blogs, articles, songs, images and all possible realia into the classroom in order to ignite the interests of students in global awareness and other important issues in society. He shares various activities that have proven to be effective throughout his career as a world language teacher.

Get Your Head in the Game: The Power of Learning in Teams

by Carmen Scoggins 

In her presentation Carmen differentiates what a team and a group is. She shares actual output of students who worked in teams which could be used as model practices for teaching language. She also suggests ways in which working as a team in language learning enhances skills they could use in real-life settings. At the end of the presentation, she discusses how important reflection is in teaching and in learning.

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Everyone loves a presentation that gives them ideas for tomorrow's lesson. Follow Day 3's presenters for ways to engage your students in meaningful tasks. The more we practice situations in which they may find themselves in the target language, the more fun -- and real -- it gets.

Scaffolding Writing for Novice Learners

by Kaitlin Leppert

Kaitlin discusses how teachers may create confident and successful writers with novice learners of a second language. It discusses ways to keep writing going in a class. She provides specific examples of how to model writing for students, how to use graphic organizers to organize students’ thoughts before writing, and what to look into when assessing learners’ writing output.

Teaching With Novels

by Allison Wienhold 

Allison’s presentation offers activities teachers could possibly use in teaching a target language using a novel. Various activities for pre-reading, reading, and post-reading sessions to be used during class or in online classes are suggested. She also provides tips to successfully teach a language using novels from preparation to assessment.

Interpretive Tasks for In-class and Distance Learning

by Lisa Shepard 

Lisa’s presentation offers a wide range of activities that could help teachers whether online or in-class. Activities for informational and narrative texts are suggested depending whether they are intended for novice or intermediate to advanced groups of learners. Each suggested activity is followed by a specific example and template that are actually used by Lisa.

Engagement and Proficiency Through Writing

by Katherine Brownlee 

In her presentation Katherine aims to demonstrate how to embed formative and strategic approach to writing into your teaching to develop student proficiency and confidence. She answers and explains ways to counter the many challenges of writing. She discusses how and when to scaffold as well as how to get students create their writing portfolio in different levels.

Story-gami: Another Way to Tell Stories in the Classroom

by Hélène Colinet

Hélène’s presentation explains the importance of using stories in teaching a language. She demonstrates how to use ‘Story-gami’ in teaching and suggests activities that could be done for assessment.

Games and Brain Breaks to Keep the Class Moving

by Fadi Abughoush

Fadi’s presentation is about putting language into action through games and brain breaks that can be used in distance learning or in the actual classroom. He shares a collection of games or activities from other teachers. 

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Zoom out from activity planning to the big picture of our program. What is the secret sauce to inspiring life-long language learners? While guiding students down their path to proficiency, your department can take a bird's eye view of curriculum, assessment, articulation, and retention.

Designing a Year-Long Approach to Language Learning
by Beckie Bray Rankin 

Beckie’s presentation aims to help teachers adopt a simple but effective approach to designing and adapting unit and year-long templates to organize learn - practice - assess - reflect cycles.

3 Teacher Proven Ways to Build and Sustain a Successful World Language Program

by Bertha Delgadillo

Bertha shares ways to create and develop a successful language program. She shares 3 steps with detailed explanations on how these are effective. These steps begin with forming a team, building relationships with those that are involved with your members, and creating an online presence to connect with everyone. Towards the end, she provides recommendations on how to maintain the success of your language program. 

Create Engaging Lessons with Digital Applications

by Jenelle Fernandez-McDuffie 

Jenelle explores the advantages of utilizing digital web applications in teaching to increase student engagement significantly. She provides an overview of how some web applications (Socratic, Wizer, PearDeck, and Google Forms) are used.

The Thing-a-ma-bob That Does the Job: Rubrics

by Beckie Bray Rankin

Beckie discusses how to use rubrics in assessing/grading output or performance. She discusses each type of rubric, its pros & cons, and provides tips on which rubric is best suited to specific tasks. Teachers also learn how to adjust/modify existing rubrics to match activities in their lessons and create their own rubrics to match the assessment needed for their learners.

Passions, Professions, and Proficiency

by Megan M. Smith

Megan reviews the importance of including jobs and careers in each unit that is covered in the WL class. She shares 4 ideas on how this could be done without causing much stress even if the general topic of the unit is not about jobs and careers. She also gives concrete examples of how these ideas could be put into practice in the classroom.

Data Driven Advocacy for World Language

by Tanya Schubert

Tanya’s presentation talks about the challenges and limitations a WL teacher faces at school and in the community. She suggests ways to overcome these and encourage more people from the community to support WL education. She elaborates on how teachers have the power to control their curriculum, instruction, and assessment & outcomes, and how to advocate their programs to the community.

Create Your Own Website

by Adriana Gutierrez 

Adriana’s presentation demonstrates how to create a website using Wix. She shares her resources and the links to educational resources she made

3 Strategies to Support Student Output & Build a Strong Community

by Claudia Elliott 

Claudia discusses the connection between output and a strong community in a WL class, the role of output in language acquisition, and strategies to support output and build a strong community. With each strategy, she shares activities which are effective in attaining the goal of having a supportive community in order for students to produce output to communicate a message.

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Raise your hand if you've taught the travel unit where one student role-plays the agent and the other role-plays a traveler. And how many of those students ever phoned a travel agent to book a trip? Instead of pretending to be agents, let's give students agency in our units. Day 5 focus is creativity and choice as our pillars for motivation.

Soaring Student Engagement through a Proficiency Mindset

by Bertha Delgadillo

Bertha shares practices and tips about sustaining a proficiency mindset among students throughout the school year. She discusses how maximizing classroom spaces helps. She also talks about activities that could be done from the 1 st week and how to use the suggested bulletin board posts in each activity to maintain a proficiency mindset. There are examples of these activities throughout the presentation.

How to Integrate Student Created Content in the Classroom

by Rebecca Perantoni

Rebecca’s presentation shares how to integrate student created content in the classroom. She suggests 4 steps to do this and, in each step, she provides an example of how she does it with each different level of learners.

Skyrocket Student Engagement with Charlala

by Rachel Lucas

Rachel’s presentation shares ways to engage students and integrate technology with comprehensible input in the WL classroom. It focuses on how to get 100% student engagement, how to do ‘story asking,’ and use the ‘DrawStory’ feature of Charlala to flip your classroom. She demonstrates how to navigate the website and models how students could get creative when using this platform.

The Mighty Choice Board

by Joshua Cabral

The presentation focuses on how to use Choice Board effectively. He provides tips and resources to help students rise in proficiency and communicate with confidence. Throughout the presentation, he provides samples of templates along with suggestions for how to utilize them so that students have a choice about the way they approach their language learning.

Creating a Culture of Learners

by Shelley Roy

Shelley’s presentation is about creating a culture of learners or what is usually referred to as classroom management. She talks about the steps involved in building relationships, how to build a community, how to create structure, and how to facilitate engaging learning. She suggests strategies and activities to shift the teacher’s position to that of a facilitator.

Optimizing Student Motivation for World Language Learning

by Dave Stuart Jr.

Dave’s presentation gives an overview of the 5 key beliefs for student motivation and suggests ways to maximize this motivation in the world language classroom.

Using Music and Magic as Pathways to Proficiency

by Richard de Meij 

Richard’s presentation is about how to use music and magic as tools to enhance proficiency in either a physical classroom or online. He discusses the importance of using music and magic, how to incorporate them, and he shares examples of how this looks in the world language classroom.

Super Slides: Going Beyond Presentations with Google Slides

by Larissa Aradj 

Larissa’s presentation talks about Google Slides and how much it could help teachers to be creative with their students. She shares ideas on how to have fun and be creative with Super Slides. With each idea, she shares examples of what she has done with her class and some of her students’ output, too. She shares a lot of resources that could help teachers get started in maximizing the functions offered by Google Slides. 

Create Interactive Google Slides

by Katherine Bluemel 

Katherine’s presentation is about how to create interactive Google Slides that engage students in mastering the target language. She demonstrates how to create slides and how to set it up, so the format does not change when the students receive the slides.

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In this series of mini-lessons, key tips are revealed to transition your online/virtual teaching into a success. Your stress around online teaching is reduced while you and your students begin to see a path to successful online learning. These mini-sessions range from 5 to 9-minute long.


Teaching Grammar Online Mini-Session

The 3 aspects to consider when teaching grammar online and the different approaches.

Creating Community Online Mini-Session

Ideas to create a sense of community while teaching online.

Online Classroom Management Mini-Session

How to establish a positive classroom atmosphere while teaching online, so effective learning can take place.

Keeping Students Engaged Online Min-Session

Effective lesson planning so students stay engaged online.

Practicing Listening & Speaking Skills Online Mini-Session

How to practice effective listening and speaking skills online.

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