Thanks for your interest in the World Language Teacher Summit All-Access Pass! We’re here to help you and here's how...
- Before opening a ticket, please review the following Frequently Asked Questions below.
- If your question is not answered, please submit a Customer Support ticket at the bottom of this page.
Frequently Asked Questions
About the World Language Teacher Summit
What is the World Language Teacher Summit All-Access Pass?
What’s the difference between the Free Pass and the All-Access Pass?
Can I purchase an All-Access Pass for a previous Summit?
Who is the World Language Teacher Summit All-Access Pass for?
How much time do I have to watch the sessions? Do they expire?
Where can I find more details about each session?
Where can I ask questions about the presentations?
Is the conference completely online?
How do I get my PD Certificate?
Can I access this material on my iPad, iPhone, or Mobile device?
About the purchase of the All-Access Pass and Upgrades
I purchased the All-Access Pass, how do I log in?
I purchased the All-Access Pass, but I have not received the instructions to log in, what can I do?
Can you send me a receipt?
I purchased the Action Guide, where is it?
Payments and Returns
What are your payment options? Do you accept Purchase Orders?
Can my school district purchase a group pass?
What’s the return and cancellation policy?
Thanks for reading! If you still need our help, please submit a ticket below! We’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Promise!
This support system is intended to address technical issues and concerns for the World Language Teacher Summit online conference itself. If you have any teaching, pedagogy, or education-related questions about these videos, we encourage you to reach out directly to the speaker who is most relevant to your question via their established communication channels or our Facebook group here. We are unable to answer any specific educator/teaching related questions through this system. Thank you.
Get Lifetime Access To World-Class Expert Masterclass Sessions Plus A PD Certificate