pick your summit ALL-access PASS

Click on each MODULE to reveal the content.


Includes PD Certificate for 15 hours

MODULE 1 - Kickstarting the School Year

  • Your Roadmap to a Smoother School Year: The 5 Key Areas by Jared Romey
  • Successful Starters for World Language Classes: Bell Ringers & Beyond by Allison Wienhold
  • First Things First! Get Organized by Kia London
  • Set Yourself up To Be Digitally Organized This Year by Lisa McHargue
  • World Language Classroom Starter Package and Teacher Tool Kit by Heather Luis

MODULE 2 - Innovative Teaching Strategies

  • Teaching With the 5 Senses by Elizabeth Porter
  • Authentic Questioning and Dialogic Instruction by Timothy Chávez
  • TPR for Deeper Engagement and Longer Retention by Connie Navarro
  • Socratic Seminars and AI in the Spanish Literature Class by María Gloria Borsa

MODULE 3 - Integrating Technology in Language Teaching

  • Keynote Replay: Why AI Will Never Displace Language Learning by Diego Ojeda
  • Passwords and Engagement in the Classroom by Courtney Jackson
  • Enhancing World Language Teaching With AI: The Many Uses of ChatGPT by Yulyan Anderson
  • AI and Workload Optimization by Alasdair Harris
  • Optimizing Spanish Language Acquisition With Musical Content in Elementary School by Carmen Reyes
  • What Is Languagenut? Using Technology in World Languages Class by Nevien Fahmy

MODULE 4 - Engaging and Differentiated Instruction

  • Using CI Strategies When Tied to a Textbook by Ashley Mikkelsen
  • Differentiation 101 for Language Class by Kathryn Kosmider
  • The Role of Feedback in the Language Classroom by Andrea Olatunji
  • When Students Buy What You’re Selling by Silvana Ibañez
    Differentiation in World Languages by Yulyan Anderson

MODULE 5 - Active Learning and Student Engagement

  • How To Make Your Students Speak in the Target Language by Diego Ojeda
  • Building Community in the First Days of School by Shannon Ruiz
  • Plethora of Pedagogical Ploys by Pamela Parks
  • BeReal: Techniques for Enhancing Language Learning by Carmen Scoggins
  • Lead With Culture Through CI -by Noemí Rodríguez


Includes PD Certificate for 16 hours

MODULE 1 - Music and Magic

  • Magic of Passwords by Myra Johnson
  • Moving and Grooving! Using Authentic Music by Noemí Rodríguez
  • Music Brackets by Allison Wienhold
  • Going Grade-less by Jennifer Carter
  • The Magic of Drama in the Elementary Classroom (TPRS) - Carmen Reyes
  • DIVERSITY IN ACTION: Cross-Cultural Studies in World Language Classes: Through the Lens of Black History Month by Allison Perryman

MODULE 2 - Empowering Strategies for Success

  • CI Through Interpretive Reading ... Then What? by Joshua Cabral
  • One & Done by Andrea Nazelli
  • Developing Story Focused Units to Enhance Student Success by Michelle Rojas
  • Genial.ly and AI Creating Visual Stories by Jennifer Niño
  • Engagement and Student Motivation by Norma Jones
  • DIVERSITY IN ACTION: Uplifting Our Students’ Voices through Our Curriculum by Jennys McKinney

MODULE 3 - Acquisition

  • Special Person Interviews by Bryce Hedstrom
  • Integrating #authres in an ADI Classroom by Haylee Ziegler
  • Making Language Teaching Sustainable by Claudia Elliott
  • Putting the Pieces Together: Creating a Classroom Environment for Acquisition by Martha Cox-Stavros
  • Using Comprehensible Poetry in the Spanish Classroom by Diego Ojeda

MODULE 4 - Digital Tools

  • Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Generational Perspective by Knikki Hernández
  • AI Tools Language Teachers Must Try by Bertha Delgadillo
  • Attention in the Digital Age by Fanest Coronado
  • How to Make Stations Work for You by Erinn Vincent
  • DIVERSITY IN ACTION: Linguistic Liberation and Queer Identities in the World Language Classroom by Timothy Chávez

MODULE 5 - Diverse Views

  • ¡Qué viva Ecuador! by Regina O'Neal
  • Long Live Ecuador! by Regina O'Neal
  • Teaching Culture with Webquests by Jessica Hall
  • Panama's African Routes: Tracing Ancestry and Heritage by Jenniffer Whyte
  • Transforming Perspectives: Cultivating Culture in Your Curriculum by Allison Perryman
  • First Steps in the Work on Equity in the Language Classroom by Adriana Ramírez
  • DIVERSITY IN ACTION: Making Hispanic Women Count in the Spanish Curriculum by Carmen Reyes


Includes PD Certificate for 15 hours

MODULE 1 - Curriculum Transformation

  • UnBleach Your Curriculum in Your Spanish Classroom by Jenniffer Whyte
  • Reimagine Unit Design: 5E Model of Instruction & 21st Century Skills by Chelsea Lawrence
  • A Simple Roadmap to Creating a Student-Led Event with Sub-committees by Esther Galo
  • Going Grade-less by Jennifer Carter
  • Meet Them Where They Are: Differentiation for the Post-Pandemic Learner by Elisa Kirschhoffer and Maureen Lamb
  • Practical Activities to Engage Language Students with AI by Fanest Coronado

MODULE 2 - Active Learning Strategies

  • Literature Circles in the World Language Classroom by Amanda Williams
  • Storytelling in the Language Classroom by Andrea Olatunji
  • Using Picture Talk for Engaging Comprehensible Input in Spanish Class by Eliana Peñaranda
  • A Recipe for Writing: Getting Students Excited about Writing (And Sharing) in the Target Language! by Eric Richards
  • Designing In-Class Flips for Student-Centered Learning by Martha Ramírez
  • Sustained Reading in the World Language Classroom by Dawn George

MODULE 3 - Student Engagement and Fluency Development

  • Classroom Routines by Allison Wienhold
  • Gallery Walk in the Language Class: All About Student Engagement by Claudia Elliott
  • 10 Easy Ways to Support Heritage Speakers in Your Classroom by Kristin Montgomery
  • Cultural Comprehensible Input by Rebecca Balus
  • Creative Ways to Reach Apathetic Students Leading Them to Near-Native Fluency for Elementary, Middle, and High School by Trisha McMurray
  • How to Get Students to Speak in the Target Language by Rachel Lucas

MODULE 4 - AI Integration in Language Education

  • AI Tools Language Teachers Must Try by Bertha Delgadillo
  • Artificial Intelligence - New Era Technology for Use in the WL Classroom by Christopher Dabb
  • Taking the Technology Turn: Integrating Artificial Intelligence into World Language Classrooms by Dr. Jerry L. Parker
  • Possibilities and Practicalities of ChatGPT in Language Teaching and Learning by Joe Dale
  • AI for CI: Student Edition by Maureen Lamb
  • AI for CI: Teacher Edition by Maureen Lamb

MODULE 5 - Diverse Language Learning Approaches

  • Project-Based Learning in Language Acquisition by Meera Acharekar
  • Mistakes Foreign Language Teachers Make by Jazz Cole
  • Learning Spanish Through Latin American Women's Voices by Adriana Ramírez
  • Getting Started with Differentiation in the Language Class by Lynda Taylor
  • Balancing Your Life: Aiming for Work-Life Balance by Ruth Valle


Includes PD Certificate for 12 hours

MODULE 1 - Building Strong Foundations

  • First Week Lesson Plans To: Get Students Speaking More All Year Long! by Sherry Sebesta
  • 1st Weeks of School: Proficiency, Procedures & Positive People by Allison Wienhold
  • But I Only Teach Once a Week! Creating Memorable Experiences in FLES Programs by Albert Fernández
  • First Day of Experiences as a Teacher by Ashley Mikkelsen

MODULE 2 - Student Support Solutions

  • The One Tool to Support All of Your Students by Christina Margiore
  • Empowering Early Learners Through Engaging Topics and Activities by Carolina Gómez
  • Strategies to Cultivate Student Buy-in by Bertha Delgadillo
  • Positive Discipline in the High School Classroom Validation & Vulnerability by Luisa Acevedo

MODULE 3 - Teaching Tools

  • 3 Spanish Speaking Activities for Any Vocab or Grammar by Jessica Hall
  • Practical Activities to Engage Language Students with AI by Fanest Coronado
  • World Language Classroom Starter Package and Teacher Toolkit by Heather Luis

MODULE 4 - Empowering Cultural Awareness

  • Cultural Compass: Navigating Diversity in Modern Classrooms by Allison Perryman
  • Afro-Latinos and Hair: A Journey of the Past, the Present, and the Future by Jenniffer Whyte
  • Your Story, My Story, Our Story: Creating Classroom Culture and Community the First Week of School to Make Your Year a Success! by Trisha McMurray
  • Building Community in Your World Language Classroom by Katie Acosta

MODULE 5 - Energizing Language Instruction Techniques

  • Apps and Tools and Games, Oh My! by Amanda Mignault
  • Using Canva in The Foreign Language Classroom by Christopher Dabb
  • Brain Break for WLT by Michelle Rojas Castillo
  • Ideas & Resources for World Language Teachers: How Do We Teach Vocabulary Effectively? by Amy Haney


Includes PD Certificate for 13 hours

MODULE 1 - Multiculturalismo y Recursos Educativos

  • Afrolatinos: El cabello y la identidad por Jenniffer Whyte
  • El fin del año y el gran repaso: ¡Diversión con sazón! por Allison Perryman
  • La música como herramienta didáctica en el aula de idiomas por Sandra Carrasco
  • Aplicaciones, herramientas y juegos para la clase por Amanda Mignault
  • ¡Poesía por favor!: Incorporando la poesía en la clase de lenguas mundiales por Regina O'Neal

MODULE 2 - Herramientas y Métodos

  • Tipos de memoria y las mejores técnicas para mejorarlas por Fanest Coronado
  • La poesía comprensible en la clase de ELE por Diego Ojeda
  • Organización digital de recursos auténticos por Lisa McHargue
  • Respuesta Física Total (TPR) por Michelle Rojas
  • La música como una herramienta didáctica y desarrollo social y emocional: Entrevista con la compositora y cantautora Nathalia Palis

MODULE 3 - Estudiantes de Herencia y Otras Estrategias

  • Sensibilización para la enseñanza de la lengua de herencia por Lucy Arce-Kowatsch
  • 10 ideas fáciles para apoyar a tus estudiantes de herencia por Kristin Montgomery
  • ¡Dímelo en español! por Christina Margiore
  • Cómo utilizar la gamificación en la enseñanza de una segunda lengua por Melisa Patiño Correa
  • El lenguaje como semilla: El idioma español como segunda lengua en la India por Abdul Rehman

MODULE 4 - Cultura, Emoción y Creatividad en el Aula

  • Nadie aprende español por el subjuntivo por María Monsalve
  • No se puede juzgar un libro por su portada: Lenguaje, cultura y diversidad en las clases de español y ESL por Trisha McMurray
  • #Cultura por Esther Galo
  • La importancia del aprendizaje socioemocional en el aula por Bertha Delgadillo
  • ¡Break-in en la clase de lenguas! por Jessica Greer
  • Aprender lenguas y contenido a través de la música por Nelly Quijano


Includes PD Certificate for 18 hours

MODULE 1 - Celebrate You

  • Differentiating Through Student Choice by Maureen Lamb
  • Shifting the Classroom From Language Learning To Real-World Mentality by Jazz Cole
  • Cultivating Diversity and Supporting Inclusion in the World Language Classroom by Tracy Rucker
  • Unlocking Student Creativity Using Parallel Texts by Kaitlin Leppert
    Using Canva in the Foreign Language Classroom by Christopher Dabb
  • Building Community in Your World Language Classroom by Katie Acosta
  • Students as Authors: Build a Classroom Library With Stories Written by Students by Paulino Brener
  • Inclusivity: Ways To Highlight Diversity in the World Language Classroom by Allison Perryman

MODULE 2 - Language & Literacy

  • Strategies for Developing Critical Thinking Skills Across The Modes by Lisa Shepard
  • Multimedia Literacy by Louise Crossley
  • Master Movie Magic by Allison Wienhold
  • 10 Activities You Can Do with Any Reading by Ashley Mikkelsen
  • The Power of Storytelling in Our WL Classes by Claudia Elliott
  • Tell Your Story: Using Stories in Elementary School Language Class by Albert Fernández

MODULE 3 - How to... Sessions

  • How To Turn That Short Text into a Full Lesson! by Sarah Barrientos Svatos
  • Brain Based Learning (BBL) for World Language Class by Fanest Coronado
  • Special Person From Kindergarten to Fifth Grade and Beyond by Maria Hinestroza
  • Navigating National Board Certification for World Language Teachers by Steven López
  • A Culturally Centered Classroom by Pav Kaur
  • How To Teach and Work Abroad by Kristin Montgomery
  • What To Avoid When Teaching Songs in the Target Language & What to Do Instead by Bertha Delgadillo
  • How To Increase L2 Output in the World Language Classroom by Rebecca Perantoni

MODULE 4 - Language In is Language Out

  • Using Novels in The IB Classroom by Adriana Ramírez
  • Teaching With Easy-To-Read Novels by Adriana Ramírez
  • Nobody Speaks That Way by Verónica Moscoso
  • Story-Listening in School Masterclass by Margarita Pérez García
  • Teaching Poetry in the World Language Classroom by Diego Ojeda

MODULE 5 - Foundational Topics Beyond the Daily Lesson

  • Ideas & Resources for World Language Teachers - How Do We Teach Vocabulary Effectively? by Amy Haney
  • Student Ownership: Beyond the Classroom by Esther Galo-Kiteka
  • Grammar in Action by Rachel E Lerner Moore
  • Incorporating Black Culture in the World Language Classroom by Regina O'neal
  • Assessing for Proficiency by Erin Coleman
  • Building Listening Skills Through Authentic Resources by Anna Cartwright


Includes PD Certificate for 20 hours

MODULE 1 - The Power of Stories

  • Choose Your Own Story With Google Forms by Paulino Brener
  • Free Voluntary Watching by Stacy Cannady
  • Using Stories to Aid Language Acquisition by Carolina Gómez and Valentina Correa
  • Blog, Blog, Data-Getting Students Writing in The World Language Classroom by Jennifer Newman-Cornell
  • Easy-to-Read Literature, StoryListening and Creative Writing With Beginning Language Learners by Margarita Pérez García
  • Practical Ideas for Introducing Extensive Reading Into The Classroom by Olly Richards
  • Using More Stories in Your Classroom by Michelle Rojas

MODULE 2 - Inclusion Through Windows & Mirrors

  • Cultural Inclusion in The World Language Classroom by Viviana Orozco
  • Teaching Language and Culture Through Intercultural Connections by Tracy Rucker
  • A Journey Through South America's Afro-Descendants by Jenniffer Whyte
  • Why I Wear So Many Buttons by Becky Hopkinson
  • Language Teaching for Neurodivergent Students by Jamie Banks

MODULE 3 - For Days that Need to Shine

  • Create Active Learning Experiences With Google Jamboard! by Bertha Delgadillo
  • Adding Videos and Music to Enhance Your Language Curriculum by Natalie Korda
  • Activities that Always Engage Students by Angie Torre
  • The Games We Play: 21 in Person and Online Games by Ruth Valle
  • Mix It Up With Music by Allison Wienhold
  • Language with The Five Senses by Elizabeth Porter
  • A Menu of Options: Doing and Reviewing by Janel Lafond-Paquin

MODULE 4 - Twisting the Nuts & Bolts 

  • Purposeful Grading by Erin Coleman
  • Creating Assessments for Student Success by Kaitlin Leppert
  • Verb Charts Aren't Evil: Blending Explicit Grammar Instruction with Acquisition Driven Strategies by Lisa McHargue
  • Teaching CI With a Textbook by Ashley Mikkelsen
  • What Happens When She Gets Mad? by Bethany Davis
  • Efficiency and Routines in The WL Classroom by Alasdair Harris
  • What is PBLL? And Will I Be Able To Start a PBLL Unit With My Students Right Away? by Orly Lavi Travish

MODULE 5 - The Big Picture

  • Digital Age Pedagogy in World Languages by Kelly Garcia and Dr. Nick Ziegler
  • Student Manuals: The Key to Student Success by Caitlyn Dunlap
  • Practical Proficiency: Get Past Your 5 Biggest Hurdles to Teaching with CI Methods by Devon Gunning
  • Empowering Gen Z - 2021 Goals by Knikki Hernández
  • Exploring the "Why" Behind the "What" of Your Strategies and Resources! by Kia D. London
  • Valuing Every Student's Participation in The World Language Classroom by Diego Ojeda
  • #LevelUp: Depth of Knowledge in The Novice Language Classroom by Benjamin Bradshaw


Includes PD Certificate for 21 hours

MODULE 1 - The Slippery Slope: L2

  • Strategies for Increasing Target Language Use by Sheri Plath
  • How does the AIM (Accelerated Integrated Methodology) Rapidly Develop Proficiency
    by Wendy Maxwell
  • Creativity in the World Language Classroom
    by Diego Ojeda
  • Boom Cards: The Hottest New Trend in Language Learning by Sherry Sebesta
  • Facilitating L2 Output with Socratic Seminars
    by Christina Margiore
  • Managing your Management in the Target Language by Nathan Bynum

MODULE 2 - Inspiring Global Citizenship

  • Global Citizenship Education and Culturally Responsive Teaching by Elizabeth Porter
  • Cultivating Curiosity in the World Language Classroom by Christina Rocha
  • Relating to Your Students by Jenniffer Whyte

  • World Language Strategies Through Intercultural Lenses by Tracy Rucker
  • Get Your Head in the Game: The Power of Learning in Teams by Carmen Scoggins

MODULE 3 - Tips for Real Language Interactions

  • Scaffolding Writing for Novice Learners by Kaitlin Leppert
  • Teaching with Novels by Allison Wienhold
  • Interpretive Tasks for In-class and Distance Learning by Lisa Shepard

  • Engagement and Proficiency Through Writing by Katherine Brownlee
  • Story-gami (Another Way to Tell Stories in the Classroom) by Hélène Colinet
  • Games and Brain Breaks to Keep the Class Moving by Fadi Abughoush

MODULE 4 - Building Blocks of Sustainable Programming 

  • 3 Teacher Proven Ways to Build and Sustain a Successful World Language Program by Bertha Delgadillo
  • Create Engaging Lessons with Digital Applications by Jenelle Fernandez-McDuffie
  • The Thing-a-ma-bob That Does the Job: Rubrics
    by Beckie Bray Rankin
  • Passions, Professions, and Proficiency by Megan M. Smith
  • Data Driven Advocacy for World Language by Tanya Schubert
  • Create Your Own Website by Adriana Gutierrez
  • 3 Strategies to Support Student Output & Build a Strong Community by Claudia Elliott
  • Designing a Year-Long Approach to Language Learning by Beckie Bray Rankin

MODULE 5 - Engagement Boot Camp

  • How to Integrate Student Created Content in the Classroom by Rebecca Perantoni
  • Skyrocket Student Engagement with Charlala
    by Rachel Lucas
  • The Mighty Choice Board by Joshua Cabral
  • Creating a Culture of Learners by Shelley Roy
  • Optimizing Student Motivation for World Language Learning by Dave Stuart Jr.
  • Using Music and Magic as Pathways to Proficiency by Richard de Meij
  • Super Slides: Going Beyond Presentations with Google Slides by Larissa Aradj
  • Create Interactive Google Slides by Katherine Bluemel


Includes PD Certificate for 30 hours

MODULE 1 - Building Classroom Community

  • Inspiring Curiosity in The World Language Class by Megan Smith
  • Mindfulness in the World Language Classroom by Lynn Ramsson
  • Creating Community in The World Language Classroom by Diego Ojeda
  • Empower Students: Give Them Words and A Mirror by Beckie Bray Rankin
  • Don't Start with The Syllabus: Building Relationships in L2 by Nissa Quill
  • A Day in The Elementary CI Classroom: Routines and Strategies by Valentina Correa
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching in the World Language Classroom by Kelsey McGrath
  • Building Community through Self-Assessment and Reflection by Tiffany Dalton López
    & Kimberly Clela Davis
  • EFA: Edutaining Formative Assessment by Glenn Cake

MODULE 2 - Leveraging The Interpretive Mode

  • How to Teach with Novels by Hélène Colinet
  • Teaching the Textbook Through A CI Lens by Kaitlin Leppert
  • Try Some CI: Activities to Incorporate Comprehensible Input by Allison Wienhold
  • The Importance of Slow in The Comprehensible Input Classroom by Mila Garner
  • CI with Non-Readers by Elisabeth Alvarado
  • The Switch: Switching from Teaching for Learning to Teaching for Acquisition by Albert Fernández
  • Comprehensible Input Drawing for Non-Artists by Bryan Whitney
  • Bringing Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) to World Languages by Brett Chonko

MODULE 3 - Balancing A Teacher's Life

  • Setting Lesson and Unit Learning Outcomes by Tina Hargaden
  • The Peaceful Teacher: A Guide to Teaching Mindfully (While Maintaining Your Sanity!) by Jason Bond
  • Classroom Management, CI, And Proficiency Together: A High-Leverage Trifecta by Meredith White
  • Routines for The World Language Classroom by Ashley Mikkelsen
  • Grouping Students: Intentionally, Easily, And Fairly by Ben Bradshaw
  • Effective and Efficient Grading Practices for Language Acquisition by Jodi Stokdyk
  • Foldables are the Key to No-Prep Sanity by Bertha Delgadillo

MODULE 4 - Planning Communicative Strategies

  • Engaging Students in The Interpersonal Mode by Lisa Shepard
  • Beyond Language Exposure: Proficiency in Elementary and Middle School by Joshua Cabral
  • Let's Give Them Something to Chat About by Bethanie Drew
  • The Making of the #mfltwitterati Podcast: Tech Tips for Engagement by Noah Geisel & Joe Dale
  • Get 'Em Speaking: Activities and Strategies to Promote Speaking Proficiency by Sheri Plath
  • Student-Centered & Communicative Learning by Fadi Abughoush
  • Using Comprehensible Input Strategies to Support ACTFL Core Practices by Erin Nienas  & Zoe Witzeling
  • World Language Strategies Through Intercultural Lenses by Tracy E. Rucker
  • Enriching Students' Learning Through Authentic Videos and Inspiring Stories by Katherine Bluemel

MODULE 5 - Teaching In Specific Contexts

  • Empowering Special Needs Students by Kristen Wolf
  • Intercultural Competence with Younger Learners by Dorie Conlon Perugini
  • Motivating Reluctant Language Learners by Emilie Del Risco
  • No, It’s Not Mexican Halloween: Holidays and Cultural Parallels by Stephanie Madison Schenck
  • How to Manage Large Classes by Rachel Lucas
  • A Framework for Effective Classroom Management in The Target Language by Julie Speno
  • MurDEring Motivation: Disengagement Processes in Foreign Language Learning by Dr. María del Carmen Méndez Santos
  • Aligning Communication Skills from Level 1 to Advanced Placement by Thea Roessler
  • Move Your Department Towards Effective Practices by Erin Nienas
  • Pre-AP Strategies in the World Language Classroom by Lisa Podbilski


Includes PD Certificate for 22 hours

MODULE 1 - The Teacher Toolbox

  • The ABCs of Project Based Learning
by Laura Sexton
  • Moving Away From Grammar Based Teaching
by Albert Fernández
  • Creating And Assessing With Integrated Performance Assessments (IPAs)
by Maris Hawkins
  • Assessment Demystified
by Tina Hargaden
  • Working Smarter, Not Harder (To Maintain Your Sanity)
by Bethanie Drew
  • 5 Must Have Tech Tools by Rachel Lucas

MODULE 2 - Heritage Speakers

  • Two Classes in One: Strategies for Heritage and New Language Learners in Mixed Class Teaching by Jenna Cushing-Leubner
  • Myths (And Truths) About Teaching Spanish Heritage Classes
by Adrienne Brandenburg
  • Teaching Spelling To Heritage Learners: No Drills Required
by Florencia Henshaw
  • Managing the Mixed Classroom
by Sam Finneseth
  • Affirming Multilingual Identities: Language And Power
by Kristin Montgomery
  • Techniques for Heritage Speakers to Discover and Embrace Their Own Identity
by Jen López

MODULE 3 - Engaging With 
Your Students

  • Teach Bell To Bell, Not Yell To Yell by Meredith White
  • Growing Community In Your Classroom
by Laurie Clarcq
  • Mindfulness: Every Student Is Seen And Heard
by Annabelle Williamson
  • The Arts In A Heritage Language Class: Student Engagement & Teacher Sanity
by Michaela McCaughey

MODULE 4 - Motivating 
Your Students

  • Using Interactive Notebooks for Hands-On Engagement
by Emilie del Risco
  • Get Your Spanish Class Moving! - Including Movement In Your Classroom
by Allison Wienhold
  • Making Language Doable: Building Student Confidence
by Amy Lenord
  • The Big 3: Getting Your Students Reading, Speaking And Writing Every Day
by Erin Carlson

MODULE 5 - Comprehensible Input

  • Transitioning to Comprehensible Input
by Ashley Mikkelsen
  • Compelling & Comprehensible Techniques
by Sarah Breckley
  • How To Involve Comprehensible Input Into Your Textbook Teaching
by Jodi Stokydk
    • BONUS DEEP DIVE SESSION - Evaluating Textbook Activities for Comprehensibility (Part 1)
    • BONUS DEEP DIVE SESSION - Evaluating Textbook Activities for Comprehensibility (Part 2)
  • Ten Target Language Teaching Techniques & Tips
by Jeremy Jordan
  • Reading With Your Students From Day One
by Mira Canion

Here's what you get with any All-Access Pass you choose:

  • Permanent access to expert session videos
  • Sessions in audio MP3 format
  • PD Certificate
  • BONUS downloads & materials  
  • PLAYBOOK guide with teaching insights from our speakers
  • All-Access Pass Area with 24/7 forever access to all sessions and bonuses
  • Money-back guarantee


Secure 24/7 forever access to the valuable information of all sessions.

Reference back to any session any time in the future. Your access to the sessions NEVER expires!

Get credit for your time with a PD Certificate.

exciting, uplifting and creative ideas that help you and your students to remain energized and motivated all year long!

Ready to discover the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for teaching? And prepare yourself for when your students introduce it in their own study and preparation!

Seeking strategies to maintain high energy levels for yourself and your students throughout the whole year?

Longing for a classroom that embraces cultural diversity and fosters reflection?

Are you looking to enhance your teaching approach by incorporating more comprehensible input to support language acquisition more effectively?

We’ve got you covered! Gain lifetime access to professional development and discover practical strategies to engage your students this year.

Get any All-Access Pass for permanent access to invaluable insights from our presenters, providing solutions to your most pressing teaching challenges.

We’ve got you covered! Overwhelm is the norm right now with distance learning. Find out how to engage your students with some rigor and relevance without overwhelming them or their families.

Searching for secrets to seamlessly switching instruction without becoming confused whether you're in-person, hybrid, or 100% online teaching?

When you get any All-access pass you’ll have permanent access to all the insights our presenters share, so you can refer back to them time and time again. Find the answers you need to the largest teaching challenges you face right now.

Get Lifetime Access To World-Class Expert Masterclass Sessions Plus Exclusive Bonuses!

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Get Lifetime Access To World-Class Expert Masterclass Sessions for Only $98, Plus Exclusive Bonuses.

Enjoy the flexibility of permanent access and your PD Certificate

This Exclusive Material From World Class Experts Is Designed To Deliver You Results

1. Unique & Actionable Material

The unique, strategic and very actionable step-by-step advice will get you back to your normal teaching rhythm and help you through the new teaching challenges you face this year - no matter if you've just started teaching or are a seasoned teacher looking to re-energize yourself and your ideas.

2. Proven, World-Class Expert Mentors!

With any All Access Pass, it’ll be like having world-class education mentors in your classroom, constantly ready to help you out with their best advice.

Don’t waste precious time and money on trial and error! These expert educators have already been where you are now and have figured out what works best right now.

3. Reduce Overwhelm

It’s a fact – world language teachers are struggling with overwhelm: with the newest “must-have” tech tool, in-person, online, hybrid and remote teaching, stress, worry and everything else being thrown at you. Cut through the noise and focus on what will help you the most right now when you need it.

You don’t want to spend your limited budge and time chasing “the next big thing”. That’s why I’ve gathered this hand-picked lineup of educators and language teaching experts in one place, sharing clear strategies that work today. 

No fluff! Our experts tell you how you can implement the very same strategies they use to start seeing amazing results in your classroom, quickly!

Get Lifetime Access To World-Class Expert Masterclass Sessions for Only $98, Plus Exclusive Bonuses.

Enjoy the flexibility of permanent access and your PD Certificate

ANY ALL-ACCESS PASS Comes With A 100% Money Back Guarantee

I’m so confident that you’ll absolutely LOVE everything the World Language Teacher Summit or Spanish Teachers Success Academy gives you, that I’m willing to offer you an outrageous 100% money back guarantee.

Here's how it works...

Sign up for any All-Access Pass and test it out for the next 7 days.

Watch as many of the world-class expert masterclass sessions as you'd like, and if you don’t feel it has been a worthwhile investment (for any reason), then simply send an email to our support team within 7 days of your purchase, and we’ll refund your money in full, no questions asked.



What is an All-Access Pass?

The All-Access Pass gets you instant and permanent access to all mastermind video sessions presented in the Summit you choose. It also includes downloadable audio files, professional development certificates, bonus teaching materials, and more.

All this is inside your secure All-Access Pass area where you can log in and access everything anytime you want 24/7 forever.       

How much time do I have to watch the sessions? Do they expire?

The sessions never expire. Any All-Access Pass gives you permanent access to everything presented that year. Watch the videos, download the bonus materials, or listen to the audio recordings at your own pace. 

Other conferences require you to binge watch their sessions before they TAKE AWAY YOUR PURCHASE! In effect, you pay for access, and they still take it away from you after a short time. That doesn’t happen with the World Language Teacher Summit or the Spanish Teachers Success Academy! You are purchasing LIFETIME ACCESS!

Is the conference completely online?

Yes, it’s 100% online. As an All-Access Pass holder, you can access everything online in a private members area at your own convenience.

Who is the All-Access Pass for?

  • Any All-Access Pass provides Professional Development to any world language teacher at any level.
  • If you are a new teacher or has been teaching for years, the World Language Teacher Summit or Spanish Teacher Success Academy All-Access Passes are equally useful.
  • The information provided can be used by teachers of any language.
  • The content is for teachers who want to save time and effort on experimentation and do what works in real classrooms today.
  • The online format of the World Language Teacher Summit and Spanish Teachers Success Academy All-Access Passes give teachers the freedom to access world-class expert masterclass sessions over and over on their schedule.
  • Teachers that can't afford traveling to a live conference, workshops or seminars find the All-Access Passes very accessible and convenient.

What are your payment options?

We accept all major credit cards and PayPal. Should you have any problems with your payment please contact us.

We don't offer any payment plans for the All Access Pass as it's already very affordable as it is. That's why we only offer an option to pay in full.

What’s the refund and cancellation policy?

Your All Access Pass comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If you don’t love it, get your money back within 7 days, guaranteed.

You’ll get instant and permanent access to all the value-packed, world-class expert masterclass sessions. This allows you to watch and listen on your schedule. If you aren’t satisfied, we’ll refund your money no questions asked.


Jared Romey

Creator Of The World Language Teacher Summit and Spanish Teacher Success Academy, Lifelong Language Learner, Author

Hi, I'm Jared! I’m the creator of SpeakingLatino.com, where my wife Diana and I help Spanish teachers create more time in their lives to spend with their families and still be amazing teachers.

For a long time, I heard from person after person that they had been teaching for years (sometimes 15+ years) and never had access to free language teaching professional development. So, I decided to do something about that and created the World Language Teacher Summit.

Learning languages absolutely changed my life and I want to help you share that same opportunity with your students.

Please join me and thousands of teachers for this World Language Teacher Summit!

Get Lifetime Access To World-Class Expert Masterclass Sessions for Only $98, Plus Exclusive Bonuses.

Enjoy the flexibility of permanent access and your PD Certificate

© 2024 World Language Teacher Summit All rights reserved. Curated by Speaking Latino and Language Babel.
